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Maintain the longevity and integrity of your entire roofing system with our Roof Asset Management Program.
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We are ready to take on any project you may need completed. Our staff will walk you through the process and give you the information you need to make an informed decision. Call us today to learn more about all that we have to offer.
Quality Commercial Roofing Installations 253-328-5678
Firestone roof systems are time-proven and provide extensive warranty options to meet your needs. Call us for more information.

The Results Are In: Firestone’s UltraWhite™ Cap Sheet Outperforms The Competition.
Recent Firestone and third-party testing evaluated the performance of ultraWhite vs. four competitive reflective cap sheets: factory-applied acrylic coatings, synthetic chips, tri-laminated coated film and laminated painted foil. The materials were tested in seven key aspects, the details of which are illustrated below and on the follow pages.

UltraWhite Reflective Cap Sheet at a Glance:

Compared to other reflective cap sheets, ultraWhite:
• showed no demonstrable membrane damage over a 14-month period of outdoor weathering.
• successfully resisted cracking during simulated hail strikes.
• showed no damage, while acrylic-coated cap sheets suffered from pitting and/or cracking in accelerated weathering tests.
• has shown strong resistance to algae and fungus growth.
• demonstrated superior granular retention through QUV exposure.
• showed superior granular retention and resistance to cracking in
freeze thaw testing.
• demonstrated outstanding resistance to foot-traffic wear.
• showed little to no damage due to handling and bending during
conditioning or temperature variation.
ultraWhite Reflective Cap Sheet is the most durable reflective
cap sheet on the market. Because it’s not a film, not a foil, not a
coating, there’s really not another cap sheet like it.

One More Thing...

We know that it is difficult to choose a contractor, but want you to understand that our biggest goal is to make you a very satisfied customer. We will do everything in our power to ensure that you are not only happy with the outcome of this project, but that you will also seek us out specifically for your future projects. We know that in order to make an impression that big, we have to work for it. And we do. On every project we undertake. We look forward to working with you, and hope to hear from you soon.

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Roofing Contractor
2920 S. Cushman Ave. - Tacoma, WA 98409


License - VRSHESM973KM